how to make money on instagram 2023
how to make money on instagram 2023
internet has offered many people the opportunity to make money. Seemingly
limitless communication means those looking to profit using the internet, often
doing what they love, now have access to a bigger audience than ever before.
you’re a gamer looking to make it big in the world of
esports, you can turn to Twitch to entertain fans and fund your
endeavors. An author with a novel idea for a novel? Self-publishing on Amazon
could land you on the New York Times’ Best Seller list. Want to travel and see
the world? Well now you can and fund yourself at the same time thanks to the
popularity of blogging.
possibilities are vast. In recent years one of the most lucrative options has
taken the form of utilizing social media and,
in particular, Instagram. But how do you get started, and more importantly, how
do you actually get paid to upload your everyday pics? Let’s take a look in
more detail below.
Secure a
is one of the best and fastest growing marketing tools out there, but for it to
operate effectively for you, you need followers. By securing followers you’re
going to have an audience to communicate with, but this is obvious. What makes
your audience on Instagram special is, much like on Twitter, if they’re
following you it means they’re interested in the content you’re posting, and
this means they are much more susceptible to your Instagram account’s content
and concept.
how do they find you (or you them) initially?
According to this guide on the
subject, you firstly need to focus and specialize your content on a
particular topic, for example fitness or travel. Secondly you need to create
high quality and interesting content that people will resonate with and want to
share. Last but not least, you’ll want to use relevant hashtags to categorize
it so that likeminded people can find your content easily.
Find sponsors
and brands to work with
that you have an audience to market to it’s time to find sponsors and brands to
work with. You will end up collaborating with companies to create sponsored
content that promotes and highlights a certain product, brand or service. It’s
just a case of either reaching out to the brand or company, or getting big
enough where they find you. Perhaps the best example of this is Jen Selter, who
endorses a number of different fitness and health products thanks to her
massive following of over 10 million people.
Sell your photos